Baladoor, Ravi Teja's latest blockbuster, is all ready to hit the screens on August 14th as an 'Independence Day gift' to audiences. Director Uday Shankar had earlier given the hit Kalisundam... Raa under Suresh Productions banner.By Agreeing that even though the trends are changing in what audiences are looking for in films, having a traditional system still imbibed into the culture gives a room to sentimental New Upcoming Films. That would work as long as there is novelty in how it is presented. Udayshankar earlier delivered a hit for Suresh Productions with Kalisundam raa. Now the director is back on the same production banner with Baladoor. Even though the story suits the body language of Raviteja very well, narration suffers. Lag, predictable narration and patched up sequences pull down interest.