By Jim Kirwan at From The Nazi Drawings by Mauricio Lasansky © 1966Dignity is not a symbol bestowed on man, nor doesthe word itself posses force. Man's dignity is a force and the only modusvivendi by which man and his history survive. When mid-twentieth-centuryGermany did not let man live and die with this right, man became an animal.No matter how technologically advanced or sophisticated, when man negatesthis divine right They not only becomes self-destructive, but castrateshis history and poisons our future. This is what the Nazi Drawings areabout. Mauricio Lasansky, 1966The size of the global population has been under attacksince before WWI. Many methods for bringing down the number of people onthe planet have been used to reduce the population, since Zionist forcesbegan to plot their part in this global-population war which began withthe declaration of World War I; and has never ceased from that day to this.The winners of every series of wars havealways reSexy And Beautiful Wallpapered the countries they fought over, after each major conflictis concluded. The Elderly maps are destroyed and the new 'shape' of the newcountries become something that the world is supd to see as havingbeen permanent all along-even though nothing could be further from thetruth. Iran and Iraq were one consequence of the end of an era that sawthe breakup of the Persian Empire; followed very quickly by the elitesattempt to insert Israel where Palestine once was. This was all not justunderstood by the elites, but it was ordered to happen in order to betterreflect the actualities of power-after the close of WWII. And all the peoplethat have been humiliated, maimed, tortured or murdered in that processdo NOT matter because in the eyes of the elites; those populations havebeen dead since they redrew the artificial-shapes of so many of the countriesnow being fought over, so fiercely.For most of us that have casually followed the historyof the rise of Zionism; things have not been nearly as cloudy as they havebeen for most people in the West. It began inside the British occupationof Palestine where the Zionists were the first coordinated internationalterrorists, in modern-times; with a specific plot to create their veryown nation out of the carcass of pre-existing state: In this case the targetwas Palestine.However before WWII broke out the Zionists collaboratedwith the Nazi's to Sexy And Beautiful Wallpaper a pogrom that would use the arrest and tortureof Jews, and the eventual extermination of a great number of the religiousJews to create a global image of Jews as global-victims-of-a-global-hatredthat would immunize the survivors of the Nazi's to be granted theright to take the state of Palestine for themselves-in direct violationof all the international rules of war, or humanity, which to the elitesmattered not at all! In fact the elites had gone so far asto create the United Nations in such a way that Israel was to have itsvery own version of what was or was not legal in the way Israel-alonecould deal with the rest of the world's people. (1)One rule for Zionists and another for all the rest ofus.Like the U.N. and Europe, the U.S. sees the worldas two spheres---The Gentile sphere where all divine and internationallaws apply and the Jewish/Israeli Sphere where no such laws, ethics, ormorality apply; thereby reinforcing Rabbi Ovadia Yosef's statement thatthe basic function of a goy, a derogatory word for a gentile, is to serveJews.Israel may have the RIGHT to put others on Trial, butCertainly NO ONE has the Right to put the Jewish People and the State ofIsrael on Trial. -- Ariel Sharon, Quoted by BBC, March 25, 2001,more at the link. (2)Meanwhile, what had escaped the world's notice was thefact that Israel not only had a hand in Germany's round-up of so many Jewsbut that a full third of the hated SS were secretly Jews aswell. Also the numbers of those supdly killed by the Nazi's have turnedout now to have been incorrect to the point that the plaques inside Germanyand Poland have had to be corrected; because what was pleasanted was initiallyinaccurate.But perhaps the biggest 'open secret' has always beenthe Bush Dynasty that has supported Zionism and the Nazi's since beforethe Nazi's came to power: Beginning with Prescott Bush who was the fatherof George HW Bush: The forty-first president of the US.George W's grandfather Prescott Bush wasamong the chief American fundraisers for the Nazi Party in the 1930s and'40s. In return They was handsomely rewarded with plenty of financial opportunitiesfrom the Nazis helping to create the fortune and legacy that his son Georgeinherited.Bush family, along with the Harrimans, Rockefellers,Nazis, neo-Nazis and leaders of the oil and pharmaceutical industries,has been instrumental in a plot to commit genetic genocide against inferiorraces.There are the evidence that AIDS was one of racial programsbegan in the 1920s with the founding of the Averill Harriman - PrescottBush funded Eugenics Research Office. Accused accomplices include PlannedParenthood, the Nazi German government, and in post-war America, neo-Naziled research under the auspices of the CIA, National Science Foundation,and Center for Disease Control. Hygiene: Three Bush Family AlliancesGeorge Bush came to share the outlook of Adolf Hitler. and WWIIPresident Bush's family had already played a centralrole in financing and arming Adolf Hitler for his takeover of Germany;in financing and managing the buildup of Nazi war industries for the conquestof Europe and war against the U.S.A.; and in the development of Nazi genocidetheories and racial propaganda, with their well-known results. Hitler Project and BushIn many ways, Bush's Hamburg-America Line was the pivotfor the entire Hitler project. G.W.'s grandfather and great-grandfather,Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker, were among the chief Americanfundraisers for Germany's Nazi Party. Through industrialist Fritz Thyssen,the Bush-run Union Banking Company and W. A. Harriman & Company, theBushes sElderly over $50 million in German bonds to American investors, startingin 1924. Thyssen in turn pumped money into the infant Nazi Party, whichhad proved its desire to rule and its willingness to use brute force in1923's Munich Beer Hall Putsch. Nazification of America you add-in the depth of the corruption coming fromjust the Bush Dynasty, all the rest of what continues to happen which wasso instrumental in the creation of 'Israel' becomes apparent and must benot just investigated, but prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.For instance one of the major-spin-offs from this Nazi-affiliationhas been all the national-immunization programs, here, that are targetingall future generations of Americans by crippling the immune systems ofinfants almost from the moment of birth. This got its start in the Eugenicsprograms of the Nazi's and is being used today to destroy the immune systemsof infants within the first few months of life. (4), (5) If you think that the treatment of children under theNazi's or the Zionists has been evil: Think about what USI has plannedfor every newborn child in the USA; because this takes Genocide (AmericanGenocide) to a whole other level!What we have now is a global-population that is alsounder attack from modified components of the weather: See this articleto begin to realize just how dangerous what just happened in Japan reallywas and still is. Chernobyl involved the meltdown of just one of its reactors:and here is the result that is still out there today. (6)Many have forgotten that when the Earth Quake hit Indonesiaa few years back there were two epicenters; but only one was mentioned.Then there was the earthquake in Haiti that was never clearlyexplained or denied; not to mention all the quakes in lots of other placesthat most Amerrikans never pay attention to like Iran and China and otherplaces that don't make the evening news.And of course we still have the double-standard of makingwar on other nations for no reason at all-while condemning any other nationthat is not Israel or USI-that might be planning to do what we do decade-inand decade-out, 24-7. Because we kill people by the millions for war andprofit; that's our contribution to the human race. Hey we even teach itin our SECRET SOCIETIES and in our video-games for childrenso they'll grow up and not fear our terroristic ways. Here's the symbolfor Skull & Bones which is very similar to the death's head used onthe Nazi-insignia for the SS, during WWII. GHW Bush and George Jr. wereboth members in GREAT standing! But how did that work out for us?Societies worldwide are under attack occupationally,financially, meteorologically, militarily, medically, and now also frombirth. The only thing all of these 'attacks' have in common is theattempt to reduce the global-population and intensify the inability ofpeople to do what they must just to survive. . .Americans must get past the virtual assault that theheadlines bring each and every day now: Look at the whole complex of theseattacks as just parts of the same plan; and you will be able to not justunderstand it but you will also see just how thoroughly you have been liedto as well as how long this has really been going on!Here's a little something to add to the uprising herethat has spread to six states already. nearly 2,000 school teachersin an effort to tackle a $100m deficit.(Will be Fired)Not all will ultimately go, but sending dismissal noticesto everyone means the city can fire teachers at the end of the school yearwithout regard to seniority. Angel Taveras, who only took office in January,defended the move by saying it was a necessary protective measureto help tackle the shortfall. (7) It will happen here in California at the end of the month.Someone was talking to the president of LA community college lastweek in Petaluma and he was saying that in LA a majority of schools aregoing to be blanketed with pink slips and that no one will be immune fromthis stroke of a pen. It is the latest way for school districts to getaround the unions and seniority to balance their budgetsSo there it is in a nutshell; we're in the middle ofa massive CLASS-WAR, on every front imaginable: We can end this war onlyif we finally learn how to say"NO" to everything illegal!