Chalo Dilli starring Lara Dutta, Vinay Pathak is an Sizzling Bollywood New Upcoming Film Directed by Shashant Shah. Chalo Dilli is a journey that begins with the Mihika Mukherjea. They is a Senior Vice President of top Financial Institution in Bombay. They always divides world into two winners and losers. Its kind of is a road New Upcoming Film.Chalo Dilli New Upcoming Film Cast & Crew:- Vinay Pathak as Manu Gupta- Lara Dutta as Mihika Mukherjee- Akshay Kumar in Cameo- Yana Gupta done Item Number in New Upcoming Film- Brijendra Kala- Producer: Krishika Lulla, Kavita Bhupathi Chadda- Executive Producer / Co-Producer: Ram Mirchandani, Director, Shashant Shah- Banner: Big Daddy Productions, Eros International Media Ltd, Bheegi Basanti Entertainment- Release Date: April 29, 2011- Shooting Locations: Jaipur, Delhi, Mumbai- Upcoming Music: Gourov Dasgupta, Anand Raj Anand, Sachin Gupta, Rohit Kulkarni, Roshan Balu