Sizzling Bollywood New Hottest-Actress and former Miss India Gul Panag, breaking many hearts, got hitched on Sunday! They tied the knot with former classmate and longtime friend Rishi Attari, a commercial pilot with Jet Airways, at a private family ceremony in Panchkula near Chandigarh. They Sexy And Beautiful Wallpapered her cloths with JJ Valaya and fashion Sexy And Beautiful Wallpaperer Anita Dongre has Sexy And Beautiful Wallpapered Gul's trousseau. It was a hush hush wedding with one close ones. Rishi arrived on a Royal Enfield motorcycle, with Gul sitting in the sidecar. The baraat consisted of riders on over 20 Enfield motorcycles, some of which were being driven by women. The wedding was solemnised at a gurdwara according to Sikh rituals and amid festivities, typical of a Punjabi marriage. Gurshinder Singh Attari and Gul are classmate in school days. Rishi family lives in Delhi. Check out here Gul Panag Rishi Attari Wedding Pictures, Gul Panag Rishi Attari Marriage Latest Images, Gul Panag Rishi Attari Marriage Wallpapers & Gul Panag Rishi Attari Marriage Images.